Garage Kits of One Piece

collection from a "One Piece" and Garage Kit fan


Monkey D. Luffy is the primary protagonist of the One Piece series. At age seven, he admires and tries to join the pirates of the "Red Haired" Shanks. Ridiculed and rejected, he inadvertently eats their treasure, the Paramecia-type Gum-Gum Fruit, which gives his body the properties of rubber. His reckless efforts ultimately lead him into grave peril causing Shanks to lose an arm while rescuing him. After this, Luffy gives up on joining Shanks, resolving instead to start a crew of his own and become King of the Pirates.

Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock is a member of the all-female Kuja Tribe from the island of Amazon Lily. Sold to the Celestial Dragons during childhood, she and her sisters are force-fed devil fruits and branded as slaves. Eventually freed by Fisher Tiger, the three return to their people. Hancock becomes ruler and is referred to by her subjects as "Snake Princess". Leading the Kuja Pirates, she quickly gains infamy as the "Pirate Empress" and is offered membership in the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Hancock is capable of utilizing Haki, including the Color of the Supreme King. The ability of the Paramecia-type Love-Love Fruit allows her to turn anyone charmed by her into stone.

Gold D·Roger

Gol D. Roger, after gaining worldwide infamy as captain of the Roger Pirates, becomes better known as Gold Roger , the King of the Pirates. Suffering from a terminal disease, he takes his crew on a complete voyage through the Grand Line before disbanding it and turning himself in to the World Government, which claims to have captured him. At his execution, before Rouge gives birth to Roger's son Ace, and 22 years before the formation of the Straw Hat Pirates, Roger spawns the "Great Pirate Era" by announcing that his treasure, the "One Piece", is up for the taking.


"Red-Haired" Shanksis a swordsman and pirate, capable of using the Supreme King color of Haki. After serving aboard Roger's ship as an apprentice, alongside Buggy, he founds his own crews, the Red-Haired Pirates. After losing an arm while saving seven-year-old Luffy's life, and lending him his precious straw hat, which was originally owned by his late captain, Gol D. Roger, Shanks goes on to earn himself a place among the Four Emperors.


Adopted and raised by navy seaman turned tangerine farmer Bellemere, Nami and her older sister Nojiko witness their mother being murdered by the infamous Arlong. Striking a deal with him, Nami, still a child, but already an accomplished cartographer who dreams of drawing a complete map of the world. Growing up as a pirate-hating pirate, drawing maps for Arlong, and stealing treasure from other pirates, Nami becomes an excellent burglar, pickpocket, and navigator with an exceptional ability to forecast weather. After Arlong betrays her, and he and his gang are defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami joins them in pursuit of her dream and acquires infamy herself as "Cat Burglar" Nami.

Sir Crocodile

Sir Crocodile, is a pirate with the ability of the Logia-type Sand-Sand Fruit, allowing him to manipulate sand, absorb moisture with his right hand, and, as long as he is not wet, turn his body into sand. He wears a large golden alloy hook in place of a left hand, which contains a potent poison and a dagger underneath. Initially a member of The Seven Warlords of the Sea, his title is revoked when it is discovered that he, under the code name of "Mr. 0", heads the criminal organization known as Baroque Works.


Princess Shirahoshi, known as the Mermaid Princess, is a giant smelt-whiting mermaid and the youngest of King Neptune's children. She was first mentioned by Pappug, claiming he knew her and even promised to introduce the Straw Hat Pirates to her when they arrived on Fishman Island(though later this is revealed to be a lie). She is also the current form of Poseidon.

the Thousand Sunny

The Thousand Sunny is the second ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, built after the Going Merry was destroyed. It is a brig sloop type ship designed and built by Franky with help from Yokozuna, Iceburg, and the remaining Galley-La foremen who were among the best shipwrights in the world.